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Polish (Poland)English (United Kingdom)

About was made on 14 April of 2006. It's aim at emigrants from Poland who live in Birmingham and other regions of West Midlands. It is most willingly visited polish website in West Midlands. We are providing access to important information about living in UK, being a constant source of amusement and integration of Poles in Birmingham.

What sections do we offer?

Polish community in Birmingham
Users can give their opinion on every topic not necessarily  associated with living in England. Thanks to the forum many Poles got to know and meet new people, they arranged a lot of meetings and outdoor parties for the Polish community. The forum is an excellent space for people to find information about living in England. The forum is also in English but most of is in polish. 
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Polish community in Birmingham. New created section for people who are looking for partners, friends, buddys. Registered users can moderate to add one's – profile photographs, films, commentaries, even parties in which they will be attending, to send private messages and to carry out chat. is available in Polish and English language. 
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Classifieds ads  
The section classifieds ads is only for non comercial ads. The registered users can submit free ads in a few fields: small change, the motorization, fixed properties, the audio/video devices, home appliances, etc. 
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Online games  
Online games - it is recreation section which contains a lot of games online in English. Users of our portal can have a nice time and test their potential. All results are given in the table of match.
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Business directory
Business directory is an excellent place to promote your business. The catalogue offers a huge opportunity to target a variety of clients current and future. Therefore you will be able to present your business services and you also have an opportunity to make changes as well as to controll of your listing.

Here you can look at photographs about Birmingham and from all England, photos from our meetings, party and trips. Also users can create their own album or add photographs to existing albums.
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If you are interested in advertising on, visit our advertising offer to see what kind of advertisements are available.
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 April 2014 07:48  
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