Polska, Polska......uber alles!!!!
Kawały, śmieszne animacje i wszystko co może wywołać na naszej twarzy uśmiech.
Prosto z Yahoo.
LONDON (AFP) - A British local authority has erected road signs in Polish to cater for growing numbers of drivers from the eastern European country.
The Daily Express newspaper said a recent spate of incidents involving puzzled Polish motorists led to council bosses erecting the signs on the Cheshire-Shropshire border, north-west England.
The decision prompted an outcry from anti-politically correct campaigners who questioned the financial implications of erecting the bright yellow signs.
"It's absolutely bonkers but what worries me is that once one council starts, others follow," Conservative party MP Philip Davis told the newspaper Thursday.
Council chiefs defended the action to put up eight temporary road signs in Polish on the busy A49 trunkroad, claiming police have been called frequently by baffled Polish drivers who cannot understand English.
The A-roads of Cheshire and Shropshire are often used as a short-cut by lorry drivers heading from England to Ireland via Holyhead docks, in Anglesey, north Wales.
"Just a few weeks ago we had to stop work and let some Poles drive through an area we were working on because they could not fathom what was going on," Neil Anderton, of Cheshire County Council highways department said.
Britain offered an open door to migrant workers from Poland and seven other former eastern bloc countries when they joined the European Union in 2004.
But the policy has been fiercely criticised by some opposition politicians and media, who claim ministers dramatically underestimated how many people would arrive and that migrants are taking jobs from low-skilled Britons.
Poland's ambassador to Britain said earlier this month there could be as many as 600,000 Poles here -- twice the official estimate.
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